We love your work.
Flattery Films believes director, Giovanni Messner, would be the perfect fit for this brief.
We are a 51% minority owned business (Level 2 BBBEE)
and can provide certification on request.

Gio grew up in Minnesota where he learned to skateboard, make snowmen, and listen to people complain about the cold. He traded his snow shovel for a surfboard and now he makes commercials. He’s made sad ones, funny ones, spots that make you hungry or happy or make you want to hug the people you love. Mostly, he just wants to make something that reminds us we’re all beautifully human. His work has been honored at Cannes, Clios, and The One Show, and he's been recognized both as a director and as an editor at the AICP and AICP Post awards, but his kids are more impressed by his skill at building things out of amazon boxes.